Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to all the Fathers out there!

I wish I could have spent the day with my Dad... but with work and such... I guess the phone call will just have to do.

Here are some pictures of Hunter, Jensen, and Weston... they are similar to the pictures that were given to their "DAD"s!

4 hours... 3 babies... 1,500+ pictures... PRICELESS

This saturday I had a photoshoot with three babies (Jensen, HUNTER, and Weston)! I had a blast working with these cuties and their moms(my amazing assistants). I got all sorts of great shots... I am going through the 1,500+ pictures to try and pick out some faves... and edit/post them. Look for posts later. Some I can post now... the father's day pictures... others I will wait until the main ones have been mailed.
Here is a picture of Hunter in a Tie: I love this shot.Here is a picture of Danielle and Weston:

I will try to get some more edited and posted today... if not for sure tomorrow.

THEN Check back for some AMAZING 4th of July pics on or around July 4th!

Saturday, June 13, 2009


The water is started:
Zoey gets wet: Zoey has funn getting dried off... it's play time!!!!
Now it's time for the toy:


Zoey has been making me smile for a month now! Isn't she a cutie!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Home Again Home Again Jiggity Jig

I went home this past week. For the first time since like December... and the past two visits home were just for funerals... so it was nice to go home... just to go home.

I went because Mom and Dad were itchin' to meet Zoey!

Here are some pics:

This is the pit stop we made... ZOEY was HOT!

This is Zoey lookin all sad and pitiful behind in her jail cell. :O(

Zoey and Mamma Jo:
Zoey, Happie, Harrington, and Papa Don:

The puppies got along well and I enjoyed the visit.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Playing around with some pictures

I was playing around with Picnik... and some of my pictures. I think they turned out cute!