Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Halloween 2009

This year I am going to be The Doctor from Doctor Who for Halloween.

Thursday, October 15, 2009



So I am super excited!!!!! A picture of mine is on a blog of a clothing company based in Italy. Benetton! To be honest I had never heard of this company until I posted the picture to Flickr. Then someone commented on my picture saying it would be perfect for "United Color of Benetton"... and then several people said they agreed... so I googled... and then found a group in flickr that asked you to make make fake advertisements... so I added the Benetton logo to my picture... and submitted. Well at some point an official Benetton group contacted me and asked me to upload my picture to their group. SO I figured... why not. Well many months later I get a flickr e-mail from Benetton saying I am their new contact. So I just click around their site. There was a link to there blog... boy was I surprised! On the side of their blog where they ask users to submit pictures... MY PICTURE is there! I thought maybe they just rotate pictures from the group...over 260 pictures... but I refreshed and mine was still there. Who know's how long... but I still think it is cool! It is 5:00am ... so that may be adding to my excitement... but still thought it was worth sharing!

Link to the Blog
Link to Wiki about Company

Monday, September 21, 2009

Ms. Elsie in a better place... may she rest in peace.

Ms. Elsie was a dear friend.

I had been living in Henderson for a little while... making friends in the neighborhood. I had been hanging out with a boy a few yrs younger than me. He introduced me to his next door neighbor: an older lady. Little did I know this was a beginning of a great friendship.

Whether we were sitting in her kitchen chatting while she made one of her yummy pecan pies, playing a fun filled game of Rumikub, picking peas in Beckville, or attending church at Trinity, we were always enjoying time together.

I haven't seen her in a few years, as Alzheimer's really took Ms. Elsie aways from us long ago. It started out as forgetting simple things... we all do it. Then it quickly morphed into becoming dangerous... not remembering where she was... or why she was there. It broke my heart to see her in the nursing home... sitting there thinking that she was visiting... not realising she had been there for over a year. The last few times I went to visit her she remembered less and less. Our conversations consisted of repeating the same questions over and over. She atleast seemed to remember me... she was happy to see a familiar face... as familiar as it could be. The last time I visited her... she has been moved to a special security wing because she was a flight risk. That was the hardest visit... because that smile and twinkle in her eye that had once said "Oh... I know him... yay a familiar face in this unfamiliar place " was no longer there. It wasn't that she had forgotten my name... or those times we had eaten at Johnny Ozarks... or the time she let me try the homemade "dill pickles"... that were much spicier than I expected... or the many times we sat next to each other on the pew in church. It was that Ms. Elsie was no longer there.

Today, as I checked my hometown newspaper online I saw what I hoped I'd never see... Ms. Elsie's obituary. I don't even know why I checked it today... I only look at the website every few weeks. As the news sinks in... I am sad... but I rejoice in knowing that Ms. Elsie is with someone who is very familiar to her... someone who was always with her... Our Lord and Savior...Jesus.

Ms. Elsie... I miss you... I love you... and I'll see you when I see you.

- Your friend,


Happy Birthday Dad!

Today is my Dad's birthday. I was glad I got to see him on his big day... he took the day off and got to stay in town... so we got to have breakfast... him, mother, and I. I also got to hangout with them this weekend. They came into town this weekend for my Baptism (plus we had two family birthdays). It was great to have some family time this weekend.

I hope he had a great day... and got to relax some!

Happy Birthday Cassie!

To the lady that is by far the wittiest, prettiest, smartmest, and craftiest gal I know... Not to mention awesome mother, fabulous cook, and uber Aggie... Thanks for being my amazing (and my favorite) Sister... Have a SPLENDID birthday... Happy 25th! With Love... Smile and be Happy!

Cassie grew another year younger this past Friday(17th). Here are a few pics of the two of us:

Monday, August 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom!

Happy Birthday Mom!
Today is my mother's %( th birthday! Yes I typed her age in a secret code which I am sure NO ONE can figure out.
I wish I could have been there for her birthday... but schedules just don't work so well.
I hope she had a great day... Hugs & Kisses!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

College Station Baptist Church

For the past couple of months, I have been visiting a small Church here in Collge Station. A friend from work and her husband had invited me to church with them, and I just kept going. It is a small Church with a big heart. It feels great to be a part of a Church Family again.

When I came to College Station in 2003, I had tried a few places around town... throughout my college years with friends. Nothing ever seemed to be a good fit. Nothing reminded me of the family feel that I had at the Church I went to in High School/Middle School. I guess things happen as they should.

I am finaly going to get Baptized! I have been a believer as long as I can remember, I just never made my public profession of faith. I had wanted to get Baptized when I was very young, but the wise adults said "wait until you are older... you can't possibly be sure at this age" Then, when I was "older"... I wasn't attending Church regularly. In Middle school, I started to attend Church with a little lady down the street from me. I became involved with the youth group and was a part of the Church, but I never actually walked down the aisle and joined. After a certain length of time passed, I felt so much a part of the Church it felt wierd to "join"... when I was already a part of it. So then I moved off to College without ever actually being Baptized. But... this is all about to change. In early September... I will finaly.... get Baptized.

I just wanted to share my happy news!

P.S. FYI... as I type this... all these random " Believin' " lyrics keep popping into my head.... Like Journey's " Don't stop... Believin' " and the Shrek song "I'm a believer".

Monday, July 27, 2009


RYAN & SIERRA have been married ONE YEAR!
Click here to check out Year Two Pictures.

Happy Anniversary!

We had a fun lil' photo shoot in the SIZZLIN' HEAT of DOWNTOWN BRYAN!

Here are some of the results:
Let me know what you think... with a comment!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Turk and Zoey

Jennifer brought Turk over today... Zoey had a blast playing with her Buddy!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to all the Fathers out there!

I wish I could have spent the day with my Dad... but with work and such... I guess the phone call will just have to do.

Here are some pictures of Hunter, Jensen, and Weston... they are similar to the pictures that were given to their "DAD"s!

4 hours... 3 babies... 1,500+ pictures... PRICELESS

This saturday I had a photoshoot with three babies (Jensen, HUNTER, and Weston)! I had a blast working with these cuties and their moms(my amazing assistants). I got all sorts of great shots... I am going through the 1,500+ pictures to try and pick out some faves... and edit/post them. Look for posts later. Some I can post now... the father's day pictures... others I will wait until the main ones have been mailed.
Here is a picture of Hunter in a Tie: I love this shot.Here is a picture of Danielle and Weston:

I will try to get some more edited and posted today... if not for sure tomorrow.

THEN Check back for some AMAZING 4th of July pics on or around July 4th!

Saturday, June 13, 2009


The water is started:
Zoey gets wet: Zoey has funn getting dried off... it's play time!!!!
Now it's time for the toy:


Zoey has been making me smile for a month now! Isn't she a cutie!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Home Again Home Again Jiggity Jig

I went home this past week. For the first time since like December... and the past two visits home were just for funerals... so it was nice to go home... just to go home.

I went because Mom and Dad were itchin' to meet Zoey!

Here are some pics:

This is the pit stop we made... ZOEY was HOT!

This is Zoey lookin all sad and pitiful behind in her jail cell. :O(

Zoey and Mamma Jo:
Zoey, Happie, Harrington, and Papa Don:

The puppies got along well and I enjoyed the visit.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Playing around with some pictures

I was playing around with Picnik... and some of my pictures. I think they turned out cute!