Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Halloween 2009

This year I am going to be The Doctor from Doctor Who for Halloween.

Thursday, October 15, 2009



So I am super excited!!!!! A picture of mine is on a blog of a clothing company based in Italy. Benetton! To be honest I had never heard of this company until I posted the picture to Flickr. Then someone commented on my picture saying it would be perfect for "United Color of Benetton"... and then several people said they agreed... so I googled... and then found a group in flickr that asked you to make make fake advertisements... so I added the Benetton logo to my picture... and submitted. Well at some point an official Benetton group contacted me and asked me to upload my picture to their group. SO I figured... why not. Well many months later I get a flickr e-mail from Benetton saying I am their new contact. So I just click around their site. There was a link to there blog... boy was I surprised! On the side of their blog where they ask users to submit pictures... MY PICTURE is there! I thought maybe they just rotate pictures from the group...over 260 pictures... but I refreshed and mine was still there. Who know's how long... but I still think it is cool! It is 5:00am ... so that may be adding to my excitement... but still thought it was worth sharing!

Link to the Blog
Link to Wiki about Company