Monday, August 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom!

Happy Birthday Mom!
Today is my mother's %( th birthday! Yes I typed her age in a secret code which I am sure NO ONE can figure out.
I wish I could have been there for her birthday... but schedules just don't work so well.
I hope she had a great day... Hugs & Kisses!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

College Station Baptist Church

For the past couple of months, I have been visiting a small Church here in Collge Station. A friend from work and her husband had invited me to church with them, and I just kept going. It is a small Church with a big heart. It feels great to be a part of a Church Family again.

When I came to College Station in 2003, I had tried a few places around town... throughout my college years with friends. Nothing ever seemed to be a good fit. Nothing reminded me of the family feel that I had at the Church I went to in High School/Middle School. I guess things happen as they should.

I am finaly going to get Baptized! I have been a believer as long as I can remember, I just never made my public profession of faith. I had wanted to get Baptized when I was very young, but the wise adults said "wait until you are older... you can't possibly be sure at this age" Then, when I was "older"... I wasn't attending Church regularly. In Middle school, I started to attend Church with a little lady down the street from me. I became involved with the youth group and was a part of the Church, but I never actually walked down the aisle and joined. After a certain length of time passed, I felt so much a part of the Church it felt wierd to "join"... when I was already a part of it. So then I moved off to College without ever actually being Baptized. But... this is all about to change. In early September... I will finaly.... get Baptized.

I just wanted to share my happy news!

P.S. FYI... as I type this... all these random " Believin' " lyrics keep popping into my head.... Like Journey's " Don't stop... Believin' " and the Shrek song "I'm a believer".