Thursday, May 28, 2009

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Zoey spending time with her cousins!

Zoey with her new rope toy!

Zoey likes her new rope toy... let's play tug-o-war!

Zoey with her new summer outfit and ice cream!

Zoey got a spiffy new outfit from target! It is a little lime green t-shirt with a lady bug on it. She posed for some cute pics:

Then she sat in my lap while I ate an ice cream. She wanted a lick sooooo bad. Look at those cute puppy dog eyes:

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Zoey meets Ryan and Sierra... with a bonus meeting: NIMBUS... the cat!

Zoey met some of my friends: Ryan, Sierra and Nimbus!
Here are a few pics of the meeting:

Ryan : King of back scratchers

Sierra: The one who CAN keep up
Zoey loves her new friends!
I love their matching leashes/collars/harnesses!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Zoey meeting Maggie, Marlee, and Mason!

Zoey says HI!

After they have all had their sniffs and said their grrrrrrrrs.

Now it's Zoey's turn to be inquisitive.

This might actually work!

Marley enjoying Zoey's peace offering.

Welcome to the family Zoey Chanel!

I got a new dog! She is a three year old corgi mix(some type of terrier). She is absolutely amazing!

I found her on craigslist. She was in a home with an Autistic child, and he couldn't handle her so they put her up for adoption. Then the lady I got her from got her for a friend of a friend, but it didn't work out. So...she put Zoey up on craiglist.

She is a cutie. Here are a few pictures:
Our first picture together

Her lil' "Woof 66" outfit.
Zoey enjoying her new backyard!Zoey and her daddy!

Zoey being silly!