Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A new.


A new job. A new life. Just plain... a new.

I miss my old job, the students, the coworkers, the teaching. It amazes me how a small amount of time can change things. If you were to have told me a year ago that I'd be working in a library... I would not have understood. I always thought teaching was what I was meant to do... so teaching is what I would do. When I had a blank slate set in front of me... a big question mark... whatever you want to call it. A BIG NOW WHAT? I did not know what to do. All of a sudden I had a choice... and some time to think... what DID I want to do. I still want to teach... but now I am a little more open to what that means. As of now... I hope to end up back in the classroom.

As for my new job, working in a library... I like it. I love my coworkers... everyone is easy to get along with... and they like to kid around and such. They are very friendly... so I am a happy camper. The actual work... isn't bad. I stay busy... doing this that or the other. I have learned more about a library... than I ever knew there was to know about a library. Something a little new for me is the supervisor aspect of the job. I supervise student workers... so that is new... after all I was a student worker not too long ago myself. That's right... I am a 'Ben' or 'Fran' (my supervisors). I do actually get to teach some in this job... as a supervisor... there is ALWAYS room to teach.... so YAY! I love being back on campus. It is beautiful and... I get to spend the day with Aggies... WHOOP!

I am getting more and more excited about becoming an Uncle... wahoo! The due date has been moved back a week... so the first week in Decemberish... although Hunter Cayson will be coming when he wants to... when God gives him the big thumbs up... the greenlight! Cassie and Michael are preparing the house. The nursery is Cammo/Hunter themed... to go along with the name. The boy already has more clothes than I do... I think.... I know he has more shoes... LOL. I am excited to meet my nephew... and to watch Cassie and Michael become parents... and to help out! Being so close... I hope I get to help out lots.

A new is not bad... it's NEW! Keeping a smile on my face and hoping to create a smile on others' faces.

As always,

Smile and be happy,