Monday, December 22, 2008

I won my first flickr contest!

I finaly placed in a flickr contest I entered! I got first place! WAHOO!!!

Here is a screenshot:

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Monday, November 10, 2008

Pictures and Puppies


I love taking photographs. I don't know what it is about capturing an image that makes me happy, but it does. I know I like going back and remembering and reliving good times... and sharing those times with others.

My love for taking pictures goes way back to when I was just a little tyke, taking picture with a throw away or a 35mm camera of my mothers or my handy dandy 110mm camera. Those were the days... not sure anything came of any of my pictures. I can remember my mother saying I was "wasting" film. I had a tendency not to have any person in my pictures... and that was a big "NO NO". My excuse was that there wasn't always a person around to be in the picture. According to her, there was no reason to take a picture, unless there was someone in it.

I guess that is part of why I love having an actual living subject: because if there isn't a person in the shot... then I feel like I am breaking my mother's rule. Although... I still find myself without someone around... so I break the rule... or just use myself. Some of my favorite pictures are of inanimate objects or places.

I love post-processing as well. Using the computer to make pictures better or enhancing them. I love playing with and editing pictures in my spare time.

Some of my favorite subjects are my family especially my sister's three miniature schnauzers. Mainly because they never get tired of having their picture taken... or if they do... they don't/can't complain. Here are some of my latest of the three:

Maggie is something else. She LOVES balls... BIG balls, small BALLS, any balls. She loves to chase them and play fetch and tug of war with them. I had the camera in hand when I got up from the couch... she stayed with her ball and posed perfectly... waiting me to take this picture... "Maggie and her Ball". She is the Queen of the puppies... or thinks she is...well actually I think she thinks she is the Queen of the house... World... the Queen of anything and everything.... and does anything any and everything to prove it. She is also the Queen of cuddling.

Mason always does some of the funniest things with his tongue. The day I took the bluebonnet pictures I got this great shot of him straight on... perfect pose... well perfect as you can get with a tongue sticking out. I guess it shows his goofyness... this is the dog who when he got tired of walking... even though they were only a few steps away from home...decided to give up and quit... he just plopped down in the shade. I love this picture of him, becuase not only is he licking his nose... but look at those gorgeous puppy-dog eyes! Mason is the SWEATHEART of the bunch... he loves any and everyone... and will stay in your lap as long as you give him some lovin'. He will give you sloppy kisses if you quit... or just to thank you.

Marlee is the newest of the bunch. She is loud... crazy... and can often be obnoxious... but I lover her to death. She has quieted down quite a bit... and I think she knows she has a family now. She is growing up... and turning into a nice young lady... that still likes to bark and howl. Who doesn't like to howl once in a while? She hams it up for the camera... I got some great shots of her. Poor thing... she poses perfectly and LOVES getting her picture taken... but she is black... so she doesn't always show up nicely in pictures. It is all about lighting with Marlee. I love this girl's personality. I still think she might have Teretz(sp?) but she can curse at me all she wants... because she is TOO cute and sweet!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Silence: It isn't what you say, it's how you say it.
This halloween I was a mime.

This is me, Kelly, and Pixey at work. They were a princess and cat. I worked until 9 on Halloween Night. There weren't any crazy things that happened... well besides the computer system being down(which it will be until Monday atleast). A few nights before there were two people dressed up like Batman and The Joker that came running into the Library... the Batman yelled "WHERE'S RACHEL????" as he chased The Joker around the Library. Everyone clapped... so that was neat-o!

Me and Holly as "Peace and Quiet". We made Pizza and watched Journey to the Center of the Earth and Haunted Mansion for Halloween... plus we ate some scrumptious blueberry cream cheese dessert.=

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A new.


A new job. A new life. Just plain... a new.

I miss my old job, the students, the coworkers, the teaching. It amazes me how a small amount of time can change things. If you were to have told me a year ago that I'd be working in a library... I would not have understood. I always thought teaching was what I was meant to do... so teaching is what I would do. When I had a blank slate set in front of me... a big question mark... whatever you want to call it. A BIG NOW WHAT? I did not know what to do. All of a sudden I had a choice... and some time to think... what DID I want to do. I still want to teach... but now I am a little more open to what that means. As of now... I hope to end up back in the classroom.

As for my new job, working in a library... I like it. I love my coworkers... everyone is easy to get along with... and they like to kid around and such. They are very friendly... so I am a happy camper. The actual work... isn't bad. I stay busy... doing this that or the other. I have learned more about a library... than I ever knew there was to know about a library. Something a little new for me is the supervisor aspect of the job. I supervise student workers... so that is new... after all I was a student worker not too long ago myself. That's right... I am a 'Ben' or 'Fran' (my supervisors). I do actually get to teach some in this job... as a supervisor... there is ALWAYS room to teach.... so YAY! I love being back on campus. It is beautiful and... I get to spend the day with Aggies... WHOOP!

I am getting more and more excited about becoming an Uncle... wahoo! The due date has been moved back a week... so the first week in Decemberish... although Hunter Cayson will be coming when he wants to... when God gives him the big thumbs up... the greenlight! Cassie and Michael are preparing the house. The nursery is Cammo/Hunter themed... to go along with the name. The boy already has more clothes than I do... I think.... I know he has more shoes... LOL. I am excited to meet my nephew... and to watch Cassie and Michael become parents... and to help out! Being so close... I hope I get to help out lots.

A new is not bad... it's NEW! Keeping a smile on my face and hoping to create a smile on others' faces.

As always,

Smile and be happy,